Band By The River Concert Series w/ Kevin Danzig

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“KEVIN DANZIG Danzig impresses with intriguing songwriting, atmospheric vocals and diversely textured arrangements. Much of the proceedings are Southern-rooted, like the majestic “The Great Mississippi” Danzig has knack for crafting memorable, tuneful compositions that stretch across a gamut of emotions like failed love (“Marion”), anticipation (“Out of My Way”) and family tragedy (“Baby of the Family”). “Ms. Miriam” achieves haunting moments with softly cooed background vocals; the intensely driving “Fear of the Unknown Woman” parallels someone at wits’ end, never knowing if love will be realized again. “TV,” another gem, addresses how children are sadly raised on the boob tube. Like a true folkie, he’s not afraid to tackle the tougher issues such as deject loneliness on the Aids awareness dedication “Sold.” For Danzig, life’s good once again and it shows. ”

Dan Willging – Offbeat Magazine

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